Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cash Mob @ Adobe Design (654 H St) & then @ Argonaut this Saturday, May 19

Cash Mob
Saturday, May 19, 2012, 11:00am-Noon
Adobe Design Center
654 H Street (Corner of 7th and H)

What are Cash Mobs?
The general idea of a Cash Mob is to encourage people to go into small, localbusinesses and spend their money, en masse, to givethe business owner a little bit of economic stimulus! The first ever H Street Cash Mob is happening soon.  Please plan to spend approximately $20 so we can make a real economic impact! 
We’ve chosen Adobe Design Center as our first local Cash Mob for a couple of reasons.  It is a small locally owned retail business,whose owners live in the neighborhood! Also, they have lots of beautiful things that a variety of people maylike for their home or to be used as gifts. The organizers of this event, like with all Cash Mobs, have zeroeconomic relationship with the business. We just want to help our neighborhood!

To join us on facebook, search for Cash Mob DC, or just showup on May 19th.  Join us at The Argonaut after the Cash Mob for a 10% discount on food and drink with a receipt from Adobe!

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