Sunday, October 16, 2011

ANC6A second meeting on possible cap on liquor licenses on H Street Tuesday, Oct. 18 at Sherwood Rec Ctr

Dear ANC6A Community:

The next meeting regarding a possible cap on alcohol licenses in ANC6A will take place on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 7pm at the Sherwood Recreation Center located at 10th and G NE. This is the second in a series of three planned meetings. The agenda is pasted below and can be found online here.

Thank you.


Commissioner, ANC 6A01
Chair, ANC6A ABL Committee

Alcoholic Beverage Licensing Committee
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 7-8:45pm
Sherwood Recreation Center (10th and G Sts NE)

I. Welcome/Purpose of Meeting
This is the second in a series of three special meeting to discuss the possible need for a cap on alcohol licenses on H Street NE.  The first meeting last month was designed to educate the community about the cap process and the pros/cons of such a cap.  This meeting is will focus on community reaction to the possible need for a cap on H St NE.

II. Review of Informational Meeting
The Committee will give a brief recap of the first informational meeting and talk about potential options the ANC could consider.

III. Community Comment
Given the expected high level of interest in this meeting, we will ask that public comments be limited to two to three minutes each in an effort to give everyone a fair opportunity to provide their input.  Once everyone has been given an opportunity to speak once, we will recognize individuals for a second round of comments if time permits.  Please keep comments focused on the larger question of a possible cap--not complaints about a specific establishment.

IV. Adjourn

(Next Meeting Date – November 15, 2011)

Please visit for any updates to the agenda.

Adam C. Healy

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