Monday, October 18, 2010

Buy Local Capitol Hill

CHAMPS (The Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce) has launched its new BUY LOCAL campaign.  For a $50 membership fee, your BUY LOCAL card gets you great discounts at various Capitol Hill establishments with lots of good options on H Street

Among the H Street deals that come with the card:

Argonaut: 20% off
Capital City Diner 10% off
Granville Moore's 10% off Sunday-Thursday (12.38% on Wednesday)
Metro Mutts: $5 gift card with $50 purchase or $20 gift card with $100 purchase
Souk: 10% off
SOVA: 15% off
Bikram Yoga Capitol Hill: Free Water on Wednesdays
Fitness Together Capitol Hill: 10% off first time purchase of 25-training session pack


  1. I'm all for buying local, but these don't seem like very good deals for a $50 membership fee.

  2. Essentially you will have to spend about $500+ before you start getting even.
